Week 6 – Dancing the score

Play, Pause, Reverse, Resituate and Replace, are all ‘orders’ we used during this weeks Improv class.

This week we discussed the idea of scores in improvisation and how using the above directions can influence our improvisation.

So I quite enjoyed this week, using these directions made improvising a lot easier and I felt it really split up the different parts. Sometimes focusing for a long period of Improv can be quite difficult, but with these directions it was like being able to rethink my approach to the dance I was performing.

At this stage of Improvisation, it is becoming a lot clearer as to how we improvise.

This week I wanted to work with repetition and how that can be used in improvisation. When trying out this idea I was concerned that my movement would look rehearsed or like I was attempting to fill time, but in actual fact It opened up other ways of moving especially when connecting it with some of the directions we were being given by the audience. For example at one point when I was using repetition, one of the audience members shouted to reverse, this then opened up a whole new way of moving as I was doing the exact same movement but backwards and so continue from this movement afterwards I began moving away from my habitual movements.

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